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( Pictures and analysies 100 000 000 sek.)

( New since 1/8 2015 )

Three channels are detected and named. They all are made in accurate north-south direktion and with that obvious under constructional skill and they supports lower level settlements with freshwater. Their names are chosen to combine them with their geographic position.

Kinaroschannel: About 2 km long and placed 6 km west of island Kinaros. It starts at deep 354 meters and supports settlement Ur-Kinaros region at Pelasgian lake with freshwater from Abantis lake. Position: From 36.57.50 N: 26.12.09 E. to  36.56.55 N: 26.12.09 E.

Karpathoschannel: About 5 km long and placed 30 km south-east, of Karpathos most southly point. It starts at about deep 1300 meters and supports settlement Ur-Pylos region at Mediterranena Sea with freshwater from Karpathos lake. Position: From 35.17.18 N: 27.25.23 E. till 35.14.50 N: 27.25.23 E.

Posedopolis channel. About 6,25 km long and combines the freshwaterbasins west of Poseidopolis. See paintings link Poseidopolis,Atlantis. It´s ridge is at deep 1916 meters which sets the waterlever in the freshwaterbasin to 1916 meters + about 0,5 meters for owerflow. The basins and channel supports Poseidopolis with freshwater. The basins are made to collect freshwater as water on Basileia is a limited resourse. Position: From 33°42'27 N: 24°10'12 E tol 33°39'45 N 24°10'12 E.

All channels are in accurate north-south direction that confirms that they are made by same culture that honnered the sun. 

The probability random hit is one/ (360x360x360) = one in 46,7 millions shows that rejections of Mediterranean refill is a matter of fundamentalism.




Kinaros channel

Ur-Kinaros and the Kinaros channel is far from sea and north of the gigantig lake Hercules Bowl. It is evidence for advanced civilisations on the European side at a level that survived the flood and probably also evacuated north-east along the lakes. At European side the atlants was ruling and Ur-Kinaros was an atlantic settlement. They afterwards are for example Boethian and Thrakian people. By ancient greek areas of barbarians. Barbarians, are decendants of atlants that lived along and on the European side of the Aigean lake system.

Karpathos channel

Karpathos lake is the last lake in Black Sea river flow and the start for Isthmus. Isthmus separetes Asia and Europe and the outflow is to the east. Ur-Corinthia south of Isthmus is the most faraway part of Europe but still Europe that by atlants was controlled. North of Isthmus is Asia and close nearby Ur-Athen with Asais political and economical center. The Karpathos channel are made by atlants and Ur-Pylos is atlantic. When greeks started to settle at Ur-Corinthia the atlants found them as intruders. The natural border, Isthmus was passed, and there was no natural border left and atlantic dominance in Europe was threatened. Next natural border was along the Karpathos channel and the rift, with channel water, down to Ur-Pylos. An area that atlants had made attractive by building the freshwater Karpathos channel.

Poseidopolis channel

Construction and organisation skill, far beyond what humans by established history descriptions sofar has told.

 A very big human setback in human progress in all topics will be hard to accept.

Especially as Atlantis myth since ancient time has been rejected as pseudoscience.


Copyright: description and pictures:

Carl Festin. Gräftågränd 45,831 71 Östersund, tel 063-85086.

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